Knob and tube removal in Etobicoke. Knob and tube wiring upgrade

Knob and Tube Inspections by Toronto Master Electrician

647 866 6444

Etobicoke Knob & Tube and Aluminum Wiring Replacement

Expert in Knob & Tube and Aluminum Wiring Replacement

A ticking time bomb in the attic.
Roughly 90% of homes with Knob and Tube
wiring have similar dangerous splicing
visible or hidden inside the walls.

Licensed Electricians serving Etobicoke

Better Wiring, Safer Homes!

We specialize in Knob & Tube replacement in Etobicoke and Toronto
We replace aluminum wiring or make it safe without replacement
Low cost, fast, efficient, & professional electrical wiring
To dramatically reduce your insurance premiums
To make your home comfortable & safe
To greatly reduce the risk of fire

Affordable, insured, experienced, hardworking, reliable,
honest, fast, capable and handy experts!


647 866 6444